Health Insurance is a mandatory for all UCLA registered students. If you choose to waive UCSHIP, you have the option of adding BruinCare -- prepaid access to The Ashe Center for $60 per quarter -- during the waiver process. Learn more about BruinCare.

Waiving UCSHIP? Consider BruinCare

The Ashe Center wants all UCLA students to feel comfortable accessing all of their medical needs through our facility, which is why we developed the BruinCare program. While some students waive the UCLA Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP), these students are still likely to utilize Ashe Center services because of our convenience and central location.

BruinCare is a program that gives students who have waived UC SHIP prepaid access to certain services at The Ashe Center.

Remember, all registered students have access to Ashe Center services (regardless of what insurance plan they have) but small fees apply for services rendered.

By purchasing BruinCare, you eliminate the $25 visit fee, in-house lab fees, and are eligible for certain services at a reduced cost (billed directly to Bruin Bill): in-house x-rays ($10), specialist visits ($40), and more.

Note: BruinCare only applies to select services at The Ashe Center. It does not provide any benefits for CAPS, Rec, or others campus departments.

Do the math

Without BruinCare: 3 visits x $25 = $75
BruinCare: $60 for unlimited visits

BruinCare features unlimited prepaid PCP visits for $60 per quarter. Don't be surprised by visit fees. Prepay for unlimited PCP visits with BruinCare.

Remember: You can add BruinCare when completing your UCSHIP waiver application.

What's Included

($60 Quarterly; $90 per Semester)

  • $0 Primary Care Visits
  • $0 Telehealth Visits
  • $40 Specialist Visits
  • $10 In-house X-Rays
  • Point-of-care Lab Tests

What's Not Included

BruinCare is not Health Insurance.

  • Full Health Coverage
  • International Coverage
  • ER Visits
  • Rx / Pharmacy Services
  • Optometry Services
  • Dental Care
  • Summer Coverage
  • Counseling Visits
  • Flu Shots

    BruinCare is not health insurance.

    Please note: BruinCare is NOT health insurance and does not cover emergency room care, services rendered outside The Ashe Center or non-core services at The Ashe Center. For robust, international insurance coverage, we recommend investigating if UCSHIP is right for your family.

    Important Things to Note:

    • BruinCare is only available to registered UCLA students who have waived out of UCLA UC SHIP.
    • If you waive UC SHIP for the entire academic year and decide to purchase BruinCare, you must purchase it for the year.
    • There is no BruinCare for the summer. A spring term purchase of BruinCare does not extend into summer and coverage ends with the last official day of spring term exams.
    • For services not covered by BruinCare, you may request an itemized invoice via our website to submit to your insurance company for any possible reimbursement consideration.
    • If you purchase BruinCare and then lose your status as a registered student (i.e., withdrawal), you can continue to use The Ashe Center on a fee for service basis for the remainder of the term, but BruinCare coverage will cease and is non-refundable.
    • If you withdraw at 100% in a term during which you purchased BruinCare, your BruinCare fee will be refunded and any services used will be billed to you.
    • With the exceptions noted above, BruinCare is not refundable after purchase.